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Комментарии 5

Немного правок: IoT ещё может называться платформа для сбора/обработки данных с конечных устройств и для IoT не обязателен интернет, как это не странно: можно развернуть IoT в частном облаке.
Туманные вычисления

В смысле 'облачные'?
Концепция предполагает обработку данных на конечных устройствах сети (компьютерах, мобильных устройствах, датчиках, смарт-узлах и т.п.), а не в облаке.

Именно туманные. Подразумевается куча мелких устройств (капелек) "на земле" (у пользователей). В отличии от "облако в небе" (где то в ЦОД)

Туманные вычисления и аналитику сейчас предлагает каждый второй облачный сервис, и каждый топит за свою архитектуру. Сложно предугадать, кто же в итоге окажется лидером, задающим стандарты. Вот пара цитат из книги IoT Inc. на эту тему:

IoT ecosystems are still gathering critical mass. Unlike in the smartphone industry whose ecosystems have coalesced around operating systems like iOS (platform) with the App Store (ecosystem) and Android (platform) with Google Play (ecosystem), IoT is broader. While predicting its ecosystems will form in the same way may seem logical, current evidence suggests otherwise. Unlike in the smartphone industry that only has a few ecosystems applicable to all markets, ecosystems in IoT will be more numerous and form differently based on the market segment. They will also form differently. The current state of the art indicates that ecosystems are primarily coalescing around devices in consumer IoT, around stand-alone IoT platforms (commercial, in-house, and open source) in commercial IoT, around consortia in industrial IoT, and around dominant vendors in infrastructure IoT. This, however, will likely change with maturation.

Longer term, companies will compete within or as part of an ecosystem. In the Outcome Economy there will be three types of IoT companies. Lone wolves that only offer stand-alone IoT products, pack wolves whose IoT products are part of an ecosystem, and alpha wolves, companies that commercialize their own ecosystem and invite others to join.

Every competitive IoT company either will be in an ecosystem or will found an ecosystem. Since each industry will only be able to support a limited number of ecosystems, and since within each of these ecosystems there will be a place for only a limited number of players within each product category, space is… well, limited, making moving first, or at least early, strategic.
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