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12 Tech Trends Every Java Developer Must Learn To Win The Game In 2021

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Tech Trends Every Java Developer
Tech Trends Every Java Developer

The previous year has been very distressing for businesses and employees. Though, software development didn’t get so much affected and is still thriving. While tech expansion is continuing, Java development is also going under significant transformation.

The arrival of new concepts and technologies has imposed a question mark on the potential of Java developers. From wearable applications to AI solutions, Java usage is a matter of concern for peers.

Moreover, it is a high time that developers enhance their skills as to the changing demands of the industry. If you are a Java developer, surely you too would be wondering what I am talking about what things you should learn.

So, let’s take a glance at tech trends that Java developers should learn in 2021.

12 Things Java Developers Mustn’t Avoid learning In 2021

1. DevOps

DevOps java is the most prominent trend among businesses excelling with Java. They want to employ both technologies to get more efficiency in application development. Thus, it is essential that Java developers expand their capabilities and understanding in using Java DevOps.

You must be wondering what Java DevOps is? Actually, it is a concept that simply applies the practice of DevOps to Java application development. With this combination, there will be no need to compartmentalize teams while creating Java applications.

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There are a number of tools and principles that this tech trend comprises, and it requires you to learn from basics to the application implementation. You can learn this technology concept from JavaPoint tutorials.

But before learning Java DevOps, you must have experience in Java web development, as it requires you to get into environment setting, automation, and reinvent development from scratch. Indeed, you would have to employ a great passion to Master Jenkins CI and gain expertise in DevOps tools like Git, Ansible, Docker, Puppet, Jenkins, Chef, Nagios, and more.

Moreover, if you want to leverage DevOps for your business solution, get in touch with a Java web development company catering excellence in developing business oriented software.

2. Git

You might have heard a lot about GitHub and would already know that it is the most exciting thing to learn these days for developers. GitHub and over 40 million users worldwide, as of 2020 January. And! Needless to say, this count is increasing every day.

Actually, Git is a powerful technology with more than 190 million repositories to use, from which 28 million repositories are public. In short, it is a huge host of source code worldwide. GitHub has been available around the world for years, and many developers use it with Eclipse, but most of them struggle to master Git on the command line.

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It is true that only a few programmers around the world have expertise in Git. But! You must know that the demand is increasing, and simply to continuously thrive in competition, you must learn GitHub. Presently, there are so many online tutorials available from where you can learn GitHub at a very cost-effective price. Tutorial options for GitHub are Coursera, Udemy and

Remember that companies are migrating their software application from SVN, CVS to Git. Thus, it is a high time to master GitHub and gain competitive advantages in both job battles and the workspace.

3. Machine Learning

The world’s most exciting experiences are being created using AI and machine learning algorithms. From self-driving cars to smart home appliances, nothing can turn out reality without the usage of AI/ML.

And! Enterprises are very enthusiastic about using these technologies within their software. Java application development has also become a play field of employing ML algorithms. Thus, it is essential that Java programmers learn ML algorithms for Regression, Scoring, and more.

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For using Java and ML, there are several tools that you can use, such as Apache Spark’s MLib, Deep Learning For Java, ELKI, JSAT, Java ML, and more.

4. Java 9,10,11,12 up to 15

If you are working with Java for website development or mobile apps, you must be aware that it is a vast technology with a number of versions available with enhanced features. While a number of developers are working on primitive Java 8, they are not well exposed to the features of Java 9, 10, and more.

If I talk only about Java 9, it has a number of exciting goodies for developers such as Jigsaw, modules, Reactive Streams, HTTP 2 client, Process API, and more. And! Its latest version Java 15. 0 includes features like Records, Sealed Classes, Hidden Classes, Foreign Memory API, Garbage collector, and many others. Similarly. Java 10 enabled the use of var to enable dynamic typing.

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From this, it is clear that even in Java, there is so much to learn. You can easily find the tutorial for these, but it is recommended to check Java Oracle Tutorials to understand each concept deeply.

5. Mobile Technology

Presently, mobile application development is the most sought-after trend among businesses. Thus, learning Android application development is critical for developers in 2021.

Creating an android application using Java is a year-old practice, but now major advances have come in this space. Such as the creation of Android applications able to connect with wearable.

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You must know that there are so many new programming languages that can be used to create simple Android applications, such and ReactJS, Kotlin, and more. Thus, as a Java developer, you would have to be the very best in this field.

Java is a powerful programming language and is greatly used in enterprise-grade applications. While enterprises are driven toward wearable and intelligent android applications to operate smart devices, you must have expertise in creating such a powerful Android application.

6. Spring Framework 5

Spring is the most popular and admired framework for creating Java solutions. Thus, the evolution of this framework is obvious. Its latest version is Spring Framework 5.3.1.

This framework has got so many new features like Spring native executables on GraalVM, Spring Data R2DBC, Kotlin multi-platform serialization, WebClient connector for Apache HTTPComponents 5, and more.

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All of these updates are significant and can turn out essential for developers to deploy in 2021. Thus, It is essential that you get yourself enrolled in Spring 5.0 courses.

7. Spring Security 5.0

Have you heard about Spring Security? It is a major evolution of the Spring Ecosystem. Actually, Spring Security is a Java framework designed to strengthen the security of enterprise applications. It offers authorization, authentication, and many other security features that consolidate software/application security and are powerful for breach detention.

Its 5th stable release has got several bugs fixed and an OAuth 2 module that developers’ mustn’t avoid learning. Security with Spring can be divided into three categories :

  • Spring Security Kerberos

  • Spring Security OAuth

  • Spring Security SAML

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Learning all these parts of spring security can help you seek the best opportunity for Java coders for hire with ease, as every enterprises’ first priority is to secure its data. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself enrolled for Spring Security classes.

8. Spring Boot 2

Three Spring In A Row, Isn’t it amazing? That’s the beauty of Java with Spring.

Spring Boot Framework is another token for Java development majorly used to develop microservices. Pivotal Team developed this application that is being used to develop production-ready and stand-alone spring applications.

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The latest of this series is Spring boot 2.2. You can learn it easily online as many courses are available, and if you are already aware of microservices development, this would be an easy stride in 2021.

9. Angular and ReactJS

Who doesn’t know about Angular and ReactJS? In my eyes, we are currently in the realm of Angular and ReactJS. You can find either of these two technologies to be a part of almost each web application development.

Owing to many strong reasons, Angular is being used abruptly with Java, C#, PHP, Python, and many other technologies. Then why not jump into this reality to show up like a beast?

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As a java developer, you would have already used JSP, Servlet, jQuery. But! Now, this is the time of change, and you must learn Angular or React.

Angular is a framework that handles the ‘view’ in MVC development and enables the creation of highly engaging and alluring UI/UX experiences. While React is a library of JavaScript that is being used for the front end or application (user interfaces), it offers a great list of components to make development easier.

10. RestFul Web Services

If you are a developer, you must have heard of RestFul web services. It is the most popular API in the space of Java application development. Being a Jakarta EE API specification, it offers ground-breaking support in creating web services as per the Representational State Transfer architectural pattern. It makes it super easy to deploy and develop web service clients and endpoints.

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In 2021, you must learn to write REST API and implement scalable web services within your project using Spring. To learn this, you can take the REST of Spring MasterClass created by Eugen Paraschiv.

Altogether, for improving your applications' performance, infusing REST APIs is a foolproof technique. So, hire dedicated custom app developer who can help you implement REST web services opulently.

11. Docker and Kubernetes

Indeed, you would have heard of Docker and Kubernetes and how it impacts DevOps teams. Presently, Docker and Kubernetes are gamer-changer technologies that can allow you to land among the world’s top developers with unmatched skills.  

You need to know that Docker is a platform majorly used for creating, distributing, and running containers of Docker. At the same time, Kubernetes is a system for container orchestration designed for Docker containers for coordinating clusters of nodes in production efficiently.

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These days, they are being used extensively among development teams among both large and small enterprises and even startups. If you want to thrive, you must learn Docker and Kubernetes in 2021. You can prefer to take online classes on websites like Udemy or Coursera.

12. Cloud Computing

Which developer in 2021 wants to learn cloud integration? As cloud technology is in high demand, Java developers must learn to create and integrate cloud solutions in 2021 to keep pace with changing industry needs.

The on-demand availability of computer system resources such as data storage computing power and active management of users have made Cloud very critical in the current organizational setting. Thus, organizations using Java systems want their developers to be well-versed in cloud.

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Moreover, it is thriving in the market with a number of job opportunities. So, you must give a thought about learning Cloud.


These were some major areas where Java developers can develop their skills and acquire growth with a secured future. While businesses are eager to hire dedicated java app developers, they are also looking for those who can implement modern tech trends within their apps, considering a futuristic approach.

Thus, Java developers must have to evolve their expertise in the areas of demand and concepts that can help them acquire new opportunities. Remember that “Learning is going forward, and doing the same thing over & over is more like being ideal”. So keep learning and evolving.

