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Top IT Consulting Companies In India and USA For Tech Professionals

Reading time8 min

The race to become the best IT consulting firm has been at its peak for the last few years. Each and every business requires a top technology consulting company for implementing its IT and development strategy. However, they find it tedious and perplexing to pick one according to their needs, budget, time, and so on; because it can determine the future of their business. And because of an outbreak like COVID-19 existing business continuity plans aren't capable of handling the unknown variables of business. 
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

Technology Stack To Follow in 2020 For Startups

Reading time5 min

JavaScript, CSS, and HTML are some of the main technologies that help you to build robust app solutions. So, if you are looking to build smart web applications for your business, then I advise you to jump to my idea of cross-platform and open-source development frameworks right away.

Here is the list of the tech stacks for app developers to use in 2020.
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

5 Top Software Development Companies in the USA For Retail Startups

Reading time7 min

PIM software or product information management represents a solution for e-commerce businesses where they can consolidate all of their product information into a single place.

PIM software implementations generally provide support for challenges related to:

  • Handling multi-language data
  • Multiple geographic locations
  • Modification of product information within a product catalog
  • Managing product information to be scattered throughout business processes

While PIM software handles most of the e-commerce challenges, it also works as an efficient tool that powers – omnichannel experience, product expansion to new markets, increased conversion rates, superior customer experiences, decreasing the number of product returns, and faster time-to-market.

In general, product information management or PIM software is a set of business applications focused on managing product information for use across an e-commerce business from the supply chain to managing customers, product presentation, data handling, and catalog management.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

PHP Best Practices to Follow in 2020

Reading time10 min

Web development trends seem to be heading more towards server-side scripting languages over client-side scripting languages. And it can be difficult to decide where to start and what to choose.

This year W3techs.com, a web technology survey portal, released a list of the five most in-demand server-side programming languages for web development.

Here is the list:
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Total votes 4: ↑0 and ↓4-4

How Ecommerce Fueled By the Pillars of AI Technology

Reading time4 min

At present, we see artificial intelligence is implemented across the corridors of business operations and also the way we shop and trade online. To hit a home run in the retail game, genius AI applications, PIM solutions, and e-commerce development tools are now offering smart solutions: predictive analysis, recommendation engines, inventory management, and warehouse automation to create a more profitable shopping experience for consumers.

Now more than ever, e-commerce is an AI innovation game

Artificial Intelligence often sometimes seems complicated to newbies but in reality, it is simple in use and gives you the ability to predict customer needs. This paves the way for e-commerce companies to become a “big brand” or “big business” with revolutionary AI tools.

Now that AI algorithms making way for consumer acceptance of AI like never before, how can you use it to create more profitable outcomes in e-commerce?

Interesting E-commerce Stats:

With an estimated global population of 7.7 billion, 25 percent of people shopping through e-commerce stores. According to Statista, 52% of e-commerce stores will have omnichannel capabilities by 2020 which means they can communicate and sell with their consumers via multiple channels. For example, they can use their e-commerce website, Facebook e-shop, email account, and Instagram account.

Examples of AI tools and PIM software for e-commerce businesses that can help them have a high bar on customer service and marketing:
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Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

Ecommerce Tech Trends 2020: Era of Immersive Technologies

Reading time7 min

Technologies like AI, VR/AR, Cryptocurrency, IoT will take center stage in 2020 and also form as the backbone of tomorrow’s ecommerce tech innovation. Beyond the sales and revenue focused world of ecommerce, 2020 ecommerce tech trends will provide the capability to create new software solutions, mobile apps, and services that will lead to creating a richer and more satisfying shopping experience.
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A Guide to Understand the Concept of Modern Web App Development

Reading time5 min

Millions of businesses exchange information on the internet and to interact with their target audience. This helps them make fast and secure transactions over the web. However, business goals can be achieved when the businesses are able to store all this data for the means of presenting quality output to the end users.

Simply put, in the development industry a web application (or “web app”) is more like a program that uses a web browser to handle the storage and retrieval of the information to present information to the users. This allows a user to interact with the company using the online forms, e-shopping carts, CMS, etc. Some more examples of web applications are online banking, online polls, online forums, online reservations, shopping cart, and interactive games.

Learning about web development is kind of like having too many things on a plate. This guide serves as a way to get your acquainted with the world of web app development.
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Tutorial For Creating Blockchain Solution on Hyperledger Composer

Reading time7 min

Due to modern business demands, IBM joined hands with other companies to develop an open-source business blockchain network called Hyperledger Fabric project that is touching the sky. Due to modular architecture, digital keys, and on-demand data retrieval, hyperledger fabric is regarded as the base for the world’s future modular architecture blockchain-based apps. Further benefits of Hyperledger Fabric are given below to facilitate your interpretation.
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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+5

Top Software Development Companies for Enterprise & Startups

Reading time9 min

Every day we hear about new budding software programs. With the rapid advances in the software development industry, new players entering the market and have captured a large segment of the market. So, when you need to track business projects, handle the allocation of assets, and solve other IT challenges, you need help from the top software development companies. However, it doesn’t mean that you should select a software development company on the basis of how appealing it was once. Today, people prefer to check the full profile of a company first and then decide to get their service.

To ease your pressure down, listing here some of the internationally acclaimed software development companies from the development niche. This list has been curated on the basis of a variety of reliable resources like Clutch, GoodFirms, Google SERPs, user's feedback & reviews, different independent review firms including medium.com, themanifest.com, etc. Based on the collected data, I’ve assigned the total score for each of the 10 leaders, and here I represent a list of the top software development companies that are doing best in their domain.

List of the Top Software Development Companies

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Total votes 10: ↑8 and ↓2+6

Here’s How to Update Node.js Via Visual Studio, NPM, Windows/Mac

Reading time4 min

I hope that you will find Node version 12 new capabilities compelling and soon you will upgrade your app to it.

In turn, you will get advanced debugging, intelligent coding with the powerful IntelliSense engine, interactive window, quick tracking of performance issues, unit testing, typescript integration, source control, cloud integration, and npm integration.

To get started in this walkthrough, this post captures the steps on how to update Node.js in Visual Studio, Windows/macOS, and NPM.
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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Important Things to Know About Tensorflow 2.0

Reading time5 min

Deep Learning applications have changed a lot of things. Some which give hope for a brighter future, and some which raise suspicions. However, for developers, the growth of deep learning applications has made them more perplexed about choosing the best among so many deep learning frameworks out there.

TensorFlow is one of the deep learning frameworks that comes in mind. It is arguably the most popular deep learning framework out there. Nothing justifies the statement better than the fact that Tensorflow is used by the likes of Uber, Nvidia, Gmail among other big corporations for developing state-of-the-art deep learning applications.

But right now, I am on a quest to find whether it indeed is the best deep learning framework. Or perhaps find what makes it the best out of all other frameworks it competes against.
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Total votes 14: ↑11 and ↓3+8

Vue.js Best Practices For Web Development

Reading time5 min

I am a full-stack developer at Syncrasy Tech (IT solutions company). I love writing React codes. But why I am telling you this as we are here to discuss the Vue.js best practices for web development. I am telling you this so that you can understand my background and why I’m discussing here the Vue.js.

I love working on React codes, but I hate reading them. This is the reason where I fail to code. Even with the best code review practices, I can’t figure out the nesting of React components that simply helps to create more complex UI structures in web apps.

The solution to this problem is Vue that is now not so new in the block of web app development. I have heard a lot about Vue async components, server-side rendering, tools, and libraries. Perhaps you find this myriad of terms to be confusing. Believe me, you’re not alone in that, many developers of all levels feel the same way when they don’t know the Vue best practices.

A few days later, I finally decided to get my codes into it. What I am sharing here are the numerous best practices that I have learned through my experience with Vue. I’m ready to share what I’d find.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3


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