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Релиз Half-Life: Decay на PC

Reading time1 min
Долгожданный порт Half-Life: Decay на PC наконец-то вышел! Теперь и вы можете насладиться той самой «забытой частичкой» вселенной Half-Life. Играйте за двух ученых Black Mesa — Колет Грин и Джину Кросс, посмотрите на сюжет первой части Half-Life с другой стороны. Да, есть функция мультиплеера, которой славилась оригинальная игра на PlayStation 2. Можете играть с другом, или, при его отсутствии, с ботом, управляемым компьютером. Итак, качайте всё необходимое со страницы загрузок официального сайта.

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Наконец-то вышел! Осталось Black Mesa Source дождаться :)
Total votes 19: ↑16 and ↓3+13

Overview of Morris's counters

Reading time7 min

On implementing streaming algorithms, counting of events often occurs, where an event means something like a packet arrival or a connection establishment. Since the number of events is large, the available memory can become a bottleneck: an ordinary n-bit counter allows to take into account no more than 2^n - 1events.
One way to handle a larger range of values using the same amount of memory would be approximate counting. This article provides an overview of the well-known Morris algorithm and some generalizations of it.

Another way to reduce the number of bits required for counting mass events is to use decay. We discuss such an approach here [3], and we are going to publish another blog post on this particular topic shortly.

In the beginning of this article, we analyse one straightforward probabilistic calculation algorithm and highlight its shortcomings (Section 2). Then (Section 3), we describe the algorithm proposed by Robert Morris in 1978 and indicate its most essential properties and advantages. For most non-trivial formulas and statements, the text contains our proofs, the demanding reader can find them in the inserts. In the following three sections, we outline valuable extensions of the classic algorithm: you can learn what Morris's counters and exponential decay have in common, how to improve the accuracy by sacrificing the maximum value, and how to handle weighted events efficiently.

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Total votes 12: ↑12 and ↓0+12

Измерение интенсивности трафика при помощи u-моделей

Reading time22 min
stream rate art
Измерение интенсивности потоков в представлении художника.

В одной из наших предыдущих публикаций мы рассказывали о способе измерения интенсивности потока событий при помощи счетчика на основе экспоненциального распада. Оказывается, идея такого счетчика имеет интересное обобщение, о котором в этой публикации расскажут сотрудники компании Qrator Labs Артем Шворин и Дмитрий Камальдинов.
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Total votes 16: ↑16 and ↓0+16

Measuring Traffic Rate by Means of U-models

Reading time21 min
stream rate art
Measuring of stream rate in an artist's impression.

In one of our previous publications, we talked about a way to measure event stream rate using a counter based on exponential decay. It turns out that the idea of such a counter has an interesting generalization. This paper by Artem Shvorin and Dmitry Kamaldinov, Qrator Labs, reveals it.
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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4