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Comments 2

This method possibly could work in Siberia. However the weather in the area of Stonehenge is mild and on average does not reach 0°C. If we use this method in a bit colder place, the ice will melt under the rollers (10). This effect is called regelation. In usual conditions the effect is invisible, but here we are moving 40 tons on a few rollers. They will probably form ridges in the ice, and it will be very difficult to drag the slab along such a road. As we know, braking cars create such ridges in asphalt at intersections — and their tires are quite soft.

Another issue here is that the method is essentially using wheels. It is not known whether creators of Stonehenge knew wheels. But if they did, perhaps they could transport the stone on a large number of short logs. We know (?) that Egyptians did not have a wheel, that's why people proposed so many scenarios with ramps, slaves and ropes.

This proposal also does not cover one very important issue that would become a showstopper even if the monolith is mounted on ideal wheels. That problem is gravity. Earth is not flat, and anyone who wants to raise the load has to perform work. If the weight is 40 tons, it will be difficult to lift the stone even by a few centimeters. And they have to do it repeatedly. The source of the stones is unclear, but the stones had to be moved. A great many lifts of those stones would have to be performed. I would begin at the quarry, as that is the most challenging place.

Given that remnants of ancient megalithic construction are found on all continents, except Antarctica, it would make sense to look for a solution that covers all similar cases.
Thanks for the comment.
5000 years ago (3000 BC) winter in England was much colder.
This method does not use wheels and rollers. Megalith rides on a sled.
But ice thickness is a problem.
But if the ice is on top of small stones…
And the earth is frozen…
In order to raise the megalith, you can use the lever.
Megaliths in the south of Europe are smaller (easier).
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