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Раскрутка iPhone и Android приложений в блогах при помощи pitch-писем

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Существуют разные способы сотрудничества с журналистами и блоггерами. В предыдущем посте (Продвижение приложений iPhone и Android: опыт раскрутки Filmoteka) я уже рассказывал на реальном примере, как привлечь внимание пользователей при помощи пресс-релизов. Сегодня кратко расскажу, как увеличить распространение информации о своем приложении в блогах.

Раскрутка приложений в блогах осуществляется при помощи “pitch-писем”. Pitch-письмо – это “письмо-убеждение”, у которого одна задача: оно должно убедить блоггера протестировать ваше приложение и написать обзор у себя в блоге. Как вы догадываетесь, существует конкуренция за внимание блоггера. Владелец популярного ресурса может в неделю получать до 100 писем и пресс-релизов с просьбой рассказать о каком-либо продукте. Только небольшой процент таких обращений заканчивается обзором.

Поэтому необходимо знать, как писать письма-убеждения, чтобы они привлекли внимание. Ниже я привел несколько примеров, которые можно использовать как шаблон для написания собственного письма.

Итак, примеры писем для блоггеров.

Вариант #1

Dear Sir,

We are launching “APPLICATION NAME” for iPhone and Android today and would like to suggest it for your review. Our application lets phone users make calls to friends, family, or business partners at home and abroad with rates beginning at 1 US cent per minute, and no additional fees. For making a call, users need to launch the application, enter the phone number they want to reach and send a callback request to our system. The system dials out to the phone user and the destination and connects the two via its VoIP circuits. Because all outgoing calls become incoming, which are free in almost all countries, the phone user does not have to pay to a mobile operator.

You can learn more about the application on our website: www .applicationname.com

We would be happy to provide you with a promo code to test and review the application. Thanks again and feel free to reach me out if you have any questions. My contact email: name@applicationname.com

Your First and Last Name
Company Name

Вариант #2

I was happy to discover your blog today. We've developed an application for iPhone and Android called “APPLICATION NAME” that lets phone users make calls to friends, family, or business partners at home and abroad with rates beginning at 1 US cent per minute, and no additional fees. For making a call, users need to launch the application, enter the phone number they want to reach and send a callback request to our system. The system dials out to the phone user and the destination and connects the two via its VoIP circuits. Because all outgoing calls become incoming, which are free in almost all countries, the phone user does not have to pay to a mobile operator.

I would appreciate your reviewing “APPLICATION NAME” in “BLOG NAME”. If you are interested in hosting a giveaway I'd be happy to supply a free promo code to the winner. You can learn more about the application at www .applicationname.com. There's a video demo you can watch at www .applicationname.com/demo.htm. Also I'd be happy to send you a promo code for your own use of the application. Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you very much!

Your First and Last Name
Company Name
Email: name@applicationname.com

Вариант #3

(Если контактной формы нет, и вы оставляете свое сообщение в комментариях)

I was happy to discover your blog today. I was unable to find a contact link. I hope it's OK that I'm contacting you through a public comment. I've developed an application for iPhone and Android called “APPLICATION NAME” that lets phone users make calls to friends, family, or business partners at home and abroad with rates beginning at 1 US cent per minute, and no additional fees. For making a call, users need to launch the application, enter the phone number they want to reach and send a callback request to our system. The system dials out to the phone user and the destination and connects the two via its VoIP circuits. Because all outgoing calls become incoming, which are free in almost all countries, the phone user does not have to pay to a mobile operator.

I would appreciate your reviewing “APPLICATION NAME” in “BLOG NAME”. If you are interested in hosting a giveaway I'd be happy to supply a free promo code to the winner. You can learn more about the application at www .applicationname.com. There's a video demo you can watch at www .applicationname.com/demo.htm. Also I'd be happy to send you a promo code for your own use of the application. Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you very much!

Your First and Last Name
Company Name
Email: name@applicationname.com

При подготовке pitch-письма нужно обратить внимание на то, что: а) письмо желательно писать с учетом особенностей адресата, б) письмо должно быть кратким, по существу и возбуждать интерес, в) желательно кроме письма еще подготовить и пресс-релиз с более подробной информацией.
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